Blog Assignment 3

On July 20, 2017 The Opinion Page from New York Times posted an article published by Nicholas Kristof called "If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon..."   In this article, the author makes a joke explaining what would happen if Trump were a doctor. Kristof makes an argument stating that Trump wants to get rid of the health program because it is costing the United States too much money and blames the Democrats and Obama for the bad health coverage that we have right now. A quote from the article states that Trump said "We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it." Trump is saying that he wants Obama to fail and wants the Democrats to seek out to the Republicans to work together on a new bill. I disagree with this argument because I believe that the health care we have today is much needed. The Obama Health Care Act is very useful and is helping a lot of people. If Trump were to take away the Obama health care it would affect many people including elderly, Hispanics, and Latinos who rely or the help from the Government. The Obama Health Care Act is meant to help provide poor and middle class people have health insurance. I believe that Nicholas Kristof wanted his audience to be people who do not want the Obama Health Care Act to be gone and people who think that Trump should not try to take this health program away when he has no knowledge about health. While the author of this article wrote this as a joke his credibility was reliable because the article included sources from other media outlets.


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